
Monday, April 30, 2012

Turning One

I think it’s only been a few weeks since Logan was born.  I don’t know how he is almost walking already and has neeearly 8 teeth. The first year of my little baby boy’s life has come and gone but I don’t think I will ever forget how amazing (ly hard) and fantastic it has been. He is napping right now and I am finally getting a chance to sit and reminisce. 

Logan Asher Adams, born at a hospital in Chattanooga, TN on April 24, 2011. I am so grateful for those mommy love hormones that God gives so that I will want more beautiful babies like him because labor was REALLY hard. Despite all the preparing I did- physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually- for the big day, nothing really prepared me at all. 

I went into labor naturally on Saturday evening, got a failed epidural around 2:30 pm Sunday, and pushed for 1.5 hours. After 22 hours of labor, Logan entered my life at 5:31PM on Easter Sunday. He weighed 6 lb, 5oz and was 19 ¾ inches long. Amazing how such a tiny little thing has come into our world and completely changed it and stolen my heart!

Logan has changed a LOT in his first year. I was thinking if I kept learning every year as much as he does, I would be beyond genius! Here’s some things he has been up to:

v  Weighs 22 lbs (that’s in the 25-50 %- way up from the 10th % at birth)

v  Is 30 inches tall (that’s in the 50 %)

v  Loves dogs. I mean LOVES them. When he seems them he shrieks and laughs and babbles incessantly. He has 2 stuffed animal dogs, Max and JuJu, that go everywhere with him (like he needs stuffed dogs when we have 3 real ones). Just yesterday as we were driving through the car wash, which terrifies him, he was clinging to JuJu’s neck and seeming quite comforted. Logan loves dogs so much we threw him a dog themed birthday party for his 1st. Logan also seems to think he is a dog. He tries to eat dog food on a regular basis, would like to drink his water out of the dog bowl and sits on the dog beds.

v  He also likes trains. Since we live near a train track he gets to watch them go by all day long. He has started noticing them before we even do now.

v  Prefers to be naked. Typical boy. He is getting harder and harder to change because as soon as his dirty diaper is removed, he’s off, crawling at high speeds out the door. 

v  Bath time is still his favorite time of the day. He got some cool blinking bath toys for his birthday and that has made it even more fun. Who doesn’t like a blinking red star on the bottom of the tub?

v  He will eat us out of house and home before he is a teenager for sure. I have never seen a child so hungry. He likes a variety of finger foods- green beans, carrots, apples, grapes, crackers, and such. But his absolute favorite is cheese. He shoves cubes in his mouth as if it’s his last meal ever. He also likes yogurt, cream of wheat, oatmeal, any kind of meat, frozen yogurt with fruit from Cool Swirl, and apple cinnamon cheerios for breakfast. Unfortunately, he still loves his jars of baby food and will never fill up on finger foods. He will cry his eyes out unless he gets a jar of Gerber Chicken and Vegetable for dinner. 

v  Milk, yeah that’s a joke. He sips a little here and there but usually finds it more entertaining to fill his mouth and then slowly let it dribble out and down his chin. Then he throws the cup on the floor. His preferred milk is still momma’s. I didn’t really think we would still be nursing at 1 but he LOVES to nurse and I hear it’s a great “diet pill” for mom so we keep it up. Around  10 months we went through a really rough few weeks of weaning Logan from nursing so frequently. 8-10 times a day was not cool. We are down to 2-3 times in the day and 1 at night.

v  Favorite place to be is outdoors and near water.  At the park, by the lake, hiking, playing in the river, or at the swimming pool. It doesn’t matter how cold it is, he wants to be in water. He also enjoys swinging and climbing the stairs at the playground. He got a little red wagon for his birthday and likes it much more than the stroller because it allows him to take in the whole world all at once. 

v  Sleep…what’s that? Logan has to be the worst sleeper on the planet. It’s taught us a lot though about ourselves and how sinful we can become at 2am, 4am and 5:30am. He goes down at 7:30pm and gets up at 6:30 am and wakes anywhere between 2-4 times during the night. We tried every suggestion in the books, from the doctor, and from friends and finally came to accept that this is the child God has given us and it’s okay. He is the happiest boy in the day and we just hold onto the hope that when he is a teenager he will be impossible to wake. 

v  Speaking of happy, have I mentioned that Logan is one happy boy! Sure he has his bad days, but no one is happy ALL the time. He loves people and attention so is constantly trying to find ways to make people laugh. He easily entertains himself and loves playing with puzzles, Mega Blocks, balls, and anything in the kitchen that is not a toy. He also finds rolls of toilet paper entertaining and climbing in the shower. Toilets, plungers, toilet scrubbers, trash cans, diaper pails, and anything else gross are the highest forms of entertainment. We are still trying to figure out a better home for our trash cans than on the dressers.

v  Doesn’t really speak English yet but often sounds like he knows some Chinese. He does say a very baby version of a few words that we are learning actually does mean something- daddy and dog. He never says momma to me but sometimes when he is in his crib I will listen at the door and hear him saying, “mom-mom-mom-momma.” His Granna taught him to say uh-oh when he drops something. Now he throws things on the ground just to have the chance to say uh-oh. Thanks mom. 

v  He crawls like a pro and sometimes will let go while standing and hold his hands out wide with fingers spread. Then he gets excited that he is standing and tries to clap and falls down. He walks around the house pushing a chair so I know independent walking is just around the corner. 

v  He loves to clap his hands when we say, “yay,” or when we sing. He learned that waving bye-bye to everyone in the store gets him tons of attention. He likes to mimic us when we make funny sounds with our mouth and tongue.

v  Will not hold his mommy's hand but happily will hold his Aunt Vic's. Hmmm....what's with that.

v  He still kind of likes books but is usually so on the go that he can’t sit still for more than a page or two.

v  Seems to have an interest in sports and music. Loves watching people play soccer or basketball and loves to play the piano and guitar.

v  He got his first hair trim at 12 months, 1 week.

Logan's 1st Year Slideshow

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